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000610_owner-lightwave-l _Sun Aug 28 20:55:31 1994.msg
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Date: Sun, 28 Aug 1994 23:20:37 -0400 (EDT)
From: "D. Kim Stickler" <kim@bronze.coil.com>
Subject: Re: Modeler Invert
To: lightwave-l@netcom.com
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thank you Ernie,
and once again I learn a sharp lesson: RTFM. Read the f**king
manual! I personally resent people asking questions that are easily
addressed by opening a book. Being guilty of this kind of laziness is
unfogivable considering the number of people whose time it wastes.
Minutes after sending the message below, I opened the Arexx
_Examples drawer of the Toaster. Therein were all the answers. And,
incidentally Ernie, there is no need to set the user mode, the one-line
command works quite well, as long as the appropriate system calls are
implented. But the actual keyboard shortcut (as opposed to the one given
in the manual update that came with the 3.5 upgrade) was news to me.
Probably I misread the thing. For that, many thanks.
However, I have now created Function Key macro access for a lot of
useful stuff. It's easy to make a different set for each kind of project!
What a cool program!
Kim Stickler
On Sun, 28 Aug 1994, Ernie Wright wrote:
> Kim Stickler wrote:
> > Anybody get the keyboard shortcut for "INVERT" to work? ...
> > Is it addressed by AREXX? ...
> > FYI it is supposed to be <shift> <}>. This does nada on mine. ...
> The keyboard shortcut list I get by pressing the Help key says that
> INVERT is obtained by pressing `"', the double-quote, and this works
> fine. The ARexx command is SEL_INVERT(), and this should probably
> be preceeded by a call to SEL_MODE( "USER" ). The ARexx interface is
> documented in the file Arexx_Examples/lwm/ModelerARexx3.5.Doc.
> - Ernie